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XXIXth Summer Olympics in Beijing

Monaco, 08.04.2008
Alongside a traditional Chinese pagoda and six disciplines in competition at the forthcoming games, the emblem called “Dancing Beijing” appears. This sensitively combines the tradition of the Chinese stamp, the art of calligraphy and the sporting theme, represented by a human figure running to celebrate victory. The figure is similar to the Chinese character “Jing”, which appears in the name of the host town.

Source: Office des Emission de Timbres-Poste

 Block Of 2 Stamps (CTO) XXIXth Summer Olympics in Beijing [1943]  
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 Block Of 2 Stamps (mint) XXIXth Summer Olympics in Beijing [1940]  
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 First Day Cover (with Set) XXIXth Summer Olympics in Beijing [1942] 748.82 RUR

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