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30th Anniversary of Liberation

Falkland Islands (Malvinas), 14.06.2012


The Liberation Monument

Face value: 0.30
The Liberation Monument (30p) is a reminder of the sacrifices made by the British servicemen and women who liberated our home, making our continuing freedom and our ability to peacefully govern our home and people possible. The success of today’s Falkland Islands is their legacy, and we are eternally grateful to them.

The MV Concordia Bay

Face value: 0.30
The MV Concordia Bay (30p) is the Falkland Islands' inter island ferry and island resupply vessel operated by Workboat Services Ltd. The ship operates all year round with the exception of a short period in winter when annual surveys and maintenance are undertaken. The Concordia Bay provides the only scheduled shipping link with the outer islands and West Falkland and is the only ferry service operating in the Falklands. It is based in New Haven; a modern roll-on roll-off ferry terminal constructed at a cost of £1.5 million, the largest marine project so far undertaken by the Public Works Department of the Falkland Islands Government. The terminal was opened in 2008.

secondary school in Stanley

Face value: 0.75
Schooling in the Falklands is funded by the Falkland Islands Government, and is free and compulsory for children between 5 and 16 years of age. The Government provides staff, equipment and supplies for education throughout the Islands, has a primary and a secondary school in Stanley (75p), and operates three small settlement schools on large farms. Other rural pupils are taught by travelling teachers, and older children attend school in Stanley, living at a boarding hostel. English teaching methods and examination systems are used. The Falkland Islands Community School opened in 1992, replacing the old Senior School. It offers 12 subjects at GCSE level and has well equipped rooms for specialist study. Students wishing to study A-Levels and to go to University are funded to do so in the UK by the Falkland Islands Government.

Sand Bay Wind Farm near Stanley

Face value: 0.75
Given the expense of imported fossil fuels and the plentiful supply of wind on the islands, and in line with a policy of responsible stewardship of our Islands, the Falkland Islands Government has since 1996 invested in forward thinking and environmentally friendly energy supplies. Working with the Falkland Islands Development Corporation many communities have been helped to develop wind power with 85% of farms now having 24 hour power from renewable sources. In 2006 proposals were made by the Public Works Department Power and Electrical Section for the Sand Bay Wind Farm near Stanley (75p). The first 3 turbines reduced by 20% the amount of fuel used for power generation for the capital. The second phase has increased this fuel displacement to 34% with a medium term target of 40%. At a recent EU seminar, the Falklands were named in the leading group of Overseas Territories in terms of the percentage of electricity produced from renewable resources.

Welcome to the Falkland Islands

Face value: 1.00
Anyone lucky enough to arrive in Stanley Harbour by cruise ship is immediately struck by the view of the colourful corrugated metal roofs of the town's structures, a vista formed over our long history. Stanley's main street follows the waterfront with the town rising behind it. There are no traffic lights, enormous shopping centres, cinema complexes or bowling alleys. What's most striking about visiting Stanley is that the residents are cheerful, happy, helpful and really glad to see you. As the greeting sign visible on the (£1) stamp says, you really are “Welcome to the Falkland Islands”!


Face value: 1.20
The top value (£1.20) shows two confident children enjoying a spectacular Falklands scene and as with all of our children, looking towards a bright uniquely Falklands future!
Designer: Bee Design
Photography: 30p (Concordia) and 2 x 75p © Ian J. Strange
£1.20 © Kim Chater
30p (Monument) & £1 © FIG
Printer: BDT International
Process: Lithography
Perforation: 14 per 2cms
Stamp size: 28.45 x 42.58mm
Sheet Layout: 20 (2 x 10)
Release date: 14 June 2012
Production Co-ordination: Creative Direction (Worldwide) Ltd

KATE Stenning (14) is the artist behind the 30th Anniversary logo, the winner of a design competition launched by the 2012 Committee Chairman Lewis Clifton and SAMA FI Chairman Gary Clement. Kate produced the winning concept with the final artwork being produced by Julie Halliday from Studio 52. Mrs Halliday has said “I love Kate’s idea and the way it looks like we are being embraced and protected by the Union Jack”.

The 14th June 2012 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Falkland Islands.

The people of the Falklands trace their ancestry in the Islands over 170 years, some with family ties going as far back as nine generations. The Islands are our country and our home. Throughout our long history we have welcomed, from over 60 different nations, others who have chosen to share our way of life and to make the Falkland Islands their home. We are proud of our identity and heritage, but we also celebrate our diversity.

As enshrined in the UN charter, all people have the right to self-determination. We have exercised this fundamental right to decide our own political future in choosing to retain our relationship with Britain as an Overseas Territory. We are not subjugated or subsidised by Britain: we are entirely self-governing and financially self-sufficient, except for defence and foreign affairs. We democratically elect our Legislative Assembly Members; they are chosen by the people of the Falklands to represent them and to determine and administer our own policies and legislation.

Internationally, we would ask that our rights, our points of view, and above all our wishes are respected and considered as enshrined in the UN Charter. All we wish is to be left in peace to choose our own future and to responsibly develop our home for our children and generations to come.

The Falkland Islanders are a peaceful, hard-working and resilient people. Our society is thriving and forward-looking, and our home is stunningly beautiful, surrounded by wildlife and history. We strongly encourage everyone to come and see our community and our heritage born of nine generations – all can expect the famous warm Falklands welcome.

This issue of postage stamps focuses on the Falkland’s community and how it has thrived, grown and responsibly developed since 1982.

 Stamp Set (mint) 30th Anniversary of Liberation [10238] 292.01 RUR

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