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Rare Birds of Henderson

Pitcairn, 20.07.2011


Rare Birds of Henderson

Face value: 0.20

Rare Birds of Henderson

Face value: 0.40

Rare Birds of Henderson

Face value: 1.50

Rare Birds of Henderson

Face value: 2.10

Rare Birds of Henderson

Face value: 4.40
Donna McKenna, Wellington, New Zealand
Printer: Southern Colour Print, Dunedin, New Zealand
Process: Offset Litho plus foil embossing
Stamp size: 30mm x 42.3 mm horizontal
Sheet Format: Two panes of 20 stamps. 40 stamps per sheet with gutter
Perforation Gauge: 14.0 x 14.167

Denominations: Stamps $0.20, $0.40, $1.50, $2.10 and $4.40
Paper: 114gsm Tullis Russell non phosphor paper

Period of Sale:
20 July 2011 for a period of 2 years

Acknowledgement: The Philatelic Bureau wishes to thank Michael Brooke and the RSPB for their help in the production of this stamp issue

Henderson Island is part of the Pitcairn Group and was designated a World Heritage site in 1993. Renown for having the largest pristine raised coral atoll in the world and an ecology that has remained intact from human activity, Henderson Island is in trouble.

With four endemic bird species, eight snails and nine plants found nowhere else in the world, Henderson is also home to marine turtles and twelve different seabird species, including four types of petrel.

This stamp issue focuses on the rare endemic birds, namely the Henderson crake Porzana atra ; the Henderson fruit dove Ptilinopus insularis ; the Henderson reed warbler Acrocephalus taiti ; the Henderson lorikeet Vini stephani and gives special attention to the Henderson petrel Pterodroma atreta.

It is the plight of the petrel that has captured the attention of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and they have initiated the Henderson Island Restoration Project which involves the planned eradication of introduced rats that are driving the Henderson petrel towards extinction. Over 95% of petrel chicks on Henderson are killed by rats within one week of hatching - over 25,000 chicks every year. These rats are also competing with the other land birds and therefore may be limiting their populations.

In August-September 2011, the RSPB operational vessel will be at Henderson, carrying two helicopters that will use GPS technology to methodically drop poison bait across the entire island. This highly targeted, short-term intervention will bring really long-term benefits: the Henderson petrel saved from its slide towards extinction, a large island restored and at least ten further unique species safeguarded for future generations to enjoy. The overall cost of the eradication project is in the region of GBP £1.5 – 1.7m.

Sir David Attenborough describes the project:
“Step ashore onto Henderson Island and you will see fairy terns arguing on bare branches and a tiny black flightless crake emerging from the dense underbrush. The ground of the forest floor is strewn with coral heads and giant clamshells, symbols of the rich wildlife on these distant shores. Climb a small tree and listen to sounds heard nowhere else on earth: crooning doves and chattering pairs of courting petrels flying overhead. “Yet, all of these birds are under threat because of Pacific rats, one of the few human legacies. Rats simply cannot resist eating a fluffy day-old petrel chick. Luckily, technical expertise is advancing in leaps and bounds. We now have an opportunity to rid Henderson forever of the rats and ensure the island remains a natural jewel. I am sure that you share my concern for Henderson Island’s exceptional wildlife and you will want to ensure its survival. With your help, it will be secure for generations to come.”

 First Day Cover (with Set) Rare Birds of Henderson [7038] 1624.12 RUR

 Stamp Set (mint) Rare Birds of Henderson [7037]  
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