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Vancouver 2010 Winter Games Mascots and Emblems

Canada, 12.01.2009
Printer: LM-Group, Canada
Process: lithography


Inukshuk - Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games emblem

Face value: PERMANENT™ Domestic Rate

Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games emblem

Face value: PERMANENT™ Domestic Rate


Face value: 0.98


Face value: 1.65


Face value: 1.18

Source: Canada Post

 Coil Dispenser Vancouver 2010 – Emblems [1909]
Coil dispenser without stamps. Shaped like a miniature Canada Post mailbox, each dispenser is a fun and convenient way >>
Sold out

 Coil Dispenser Vancouver 2010 – Mascot [1910]
Coil dispenser without stamps
Sold out

 First Day Cover (w Single Stamp) Olympic Mascots 2009 - Sumi [1225]
This whimsical official first day cover is affixed with the Oversize rate Vancouver 2010 Winter Games Mascots stamp. Inspired >>
97.83 RUR

 First Day Cover (with Miniature Sheet) Olympic Mascots 2009 [1226] 213.26 RUR

 First Day Cover (with Partial Set) Miga and Quatchi [1843]
This lively official first day cover is affixed with the U.S. and International rate Vancouver 2010 Winter Games Mascots >>
142.94 RUR

 First Day Cover (with Partial Set) Olympic Emblems [1842]
These two PERMANENT domestic rate stamps capture the values and essence of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
94.72 RUR

 Souvenir Sheet (mint) Olympic Mascots 2009 [494] 183.00 RUR

 Souvenir Sheet (mint) Olympic Mascots 2009. Overprinted [13826] 345.18 RUR

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