Виктория - Коллекция
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Корзина пуста

Моне, Сезанн, Ренуар и другие художники Франции

Сан Марино, 08.02.2011


Сезанн. Автопортрет с беретом

Номинал: 0.10
the “Self Portrait with a Beret” by C?zanne. This is the last of his twenty-five self-portraits: he is wearing a Basque beret, used every day while he worked. And so this is really how he looked when painting.

Дега. Скачки в Лонгшам

Номинал: 0.50
Degas’ work, “Horse Racing at Longchamp”. The artist depicts the moments of suspended calm before the race to study horses and jockeys and arrange them in different combinations.

Писарро. Вид из окна художника, Эраньи

Номинал: 0.85
the “View from the Artist’s Window, Eragny” by Pissarro. The artist painted various versions of the fields around his house seen from his windows, which allowed him to attain multiple views. The scene radiates a sensation of serenity.

Моне. Клумбы в Ветей

Номинал: 1.00
“Flower Beds at V?theuil” by Monet. The dense concentration of flowers is rendered by the artist with a succession of overlaid short brush-strokes in curls and commas that, taken altogether, bring to life the variegated blooms.

Ренуар. Жак Бержере в детстве

Номинал: 2.50
The extraordinary intimacy of the portrait, “Jacques Bergeret as a Child” by Renoir appears on the ? 2.50 value. The painter accentuates the young boy’s utter unaffectedness and genuine spontaneity.
Values: 5 values of ?0,10 - ?0,50 - ?0,85 - ?1,00 - ?2,50
Total series: ?4,95
Print run: no. 70,000 sets printed in 20-stamp sheets
Printing: Four color offset by Joh. Ensched?
Stamp Size: 35x35 mm
Perforation: 13? x 13?
Designs: B&AR

 Серия марок (чист.) [5931] 282.90 руб.

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